The Symptoms of Hearing Loss
If you experience hearing loss, you are not alone. In fact, almost 50 million Americans have some form of hearing loss. In people over 65, about one-in-three experiences hearing loss. Unfortunately, most go untreated which negatively affects relationships, work performance, and can lead to other medical issues including depression and cognitive decline. Our Colorado licensed audiologist can help you determine which kind of hearing loss you have and the best treatment course.
If you aren’t sure if you have hearing loss, take some time to familiarize yourself with common symptoms. We’ve outlined the two primary kinds of hearing loss below:
This kind of hearing loss causes a reduction in sound quality. A person with this hearing loss variety may hear things at a normal volume, but the sounds may seem distorted or muffled. They may have trouble understanding conversations with more than two people or conversations in noisy areas. They often ask other people to speak more clearly. This type of hearing loss also causes a person to enjoy music less, as the music may start to sound harsh or fuzzy.
Less frequent symptoms include dizziness or prolonged tinnitus.
Conductive hearing loss causes a reduction in sound volume, making things sound quieter. People with this type of hearing loss often have trouble hearing faint noises and tend to ask people to speak louder. They may need to turn up the volume on the television to hear or have trouble talking on the telephone.
People with conductive hearing loss may also have a visible infection in the ear or a buildup of wax in the ear canal. They may also have ear pain, pressure in the ears, or drainage from the ears.
Tinnitus refers to a ringing or buzzing noise in the ears. Tinnitus is not a disease, but rather a symptom of a separate underlying condition. While people commonly experience occasional ringing in the ears, prolonged tinnitus may indicate some form of hearing loss. Tinnitus can be irritating, but it doesn't usually indicate a serious medical condition.
Contact us today if you experience symptoms of one or both of these types of hearing loss. We will happily schedule a free hearing test with you to further diagnose any issues.

The following has been adapted from a self-assessment tool created by the American Academy of Otolaryngology. If you answer YES to two or more of these questions, you may want to schedule a free hearing test at The Hearing Clinic. YES/NO
- Do people seem to mumble or speak in a softer voice more than they used to?
- Do you feel tired or irritable after a long conversation?
- Do you tend to miss key words in a sentence?
- Do you frequently need to ask people to repeat themselves?
- Do you have difficulty understanding the conversation in a crowded room?
- Do you often turn the volume up on the TV or radio?
- Does background noise bother you?
- Is it sometimes hard to hear the conversation on the telephone?
- Do you sometimes not hear the doorbell or telephone ring?
- Are your family or friends complaining about your hearing?